About Verdant Carbon.
Verdant carbon is a soil testing company, specialising in organic carbon in agricultural soils. Increasingly, we are seeing agriculture as a key area for changes to be made to achieve national (and global) mitigation targets. Through our services we aim to provide farmers and landowners with the knowledge to make robust, well-informed decisions when it comes to their land management practices and their impacts on the local, national and global environment.
Due to the increasing pressure to change we are seeing schemes, markets and incentives being developed to incentivise environmentally positive farming. As these schemes develop, whether through public policy or private enterprise, we will work with farmers to ensure their results gives them a firm foundation for negotiating through this period of change and they can maximise the benefit they receive for the good they do. Vertical Divider
Soils, and their carbon capture potential, are going to be a key component in our response to climate change and this starts with underpinning the discussion with real farm level data. Whilst objectives are clear, more work is needed to fully understand soil dynamics to maximise its sequestration potential. To this end we are working with research institutes to develop the wide understanding needed, and ensure we remain cutting edge in the service we provide.
Many forward-thinking famers have already started to make these changes, we wish to support them by providing them clear concise measurements of their results. We believe that, through a collective data-driven approach we can encourage the scaling up of small scale, anecdotally beneficial methods, to drive wider societal changes. |
Based in South-East England, Verdant Carbon is looking to deliver cost-effective, high-quality soil carbon measurements for farmers.
Here is some our background, to help you understand where we are coming from and where we hope to go.
Whilst assessing soil carbon, we hope to work with a farmer, throughout the process to build robust shared knowledge.
WIDER INFO.To help provide an understanding of the science behind soil, we have written some essays, addressing some FAQs, and how/why we do what we do.